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Mobile Phone Contract

What is a Mobile Phone Contract?

A mobile phone contract is a subscription-based agreement between a mobile service provider and a customer. In a mobile phone contract, the customer agrees to pay a recurring fee, usually on a monthly basis, in exchange for a package of mobile services. These services typically include a specified amount of talk time, text messages, and data allowance. Business mobile phone contracts offer convenience and predictability in terms of monthly expenses. 

Typical features of a mobile phone contracts

Contract Duration

Business Mobile contracts are often set for a specific duration, commonly 18 or  24 months. During this period, the customer is bound by the terms of the mobile contract.

Monthly Fee

Customers pay a fixed monthly fee for the services included in their plan. The fee may vary based on the chosen plan’s features and the type of device provided.

Included Services

The contract outlines the allocated amount of talk time, text messages, and data that the customer can use each month. It may also include additional features such as international calling and roaming.

Device Subsidy or Cost

Many mobile phone contracts include the option to purchase a mobile device along with the service plan. The cost of the device may be subsidised or spread out over the contract duration.

Terms and Conditions

The contract specifies terms and conditions, including any penalties or fees for early termination, exceeding usage limits, or changing plans.

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Opus one of the leading mobile resellers in the UK across EE, Vodafone and 02. We have a dedicated mobile consultancy team who are technology agnostic in their consultative approach to business mobile, mobile security and IoT solutions.

Our specialist mobile services include but are not limited to:

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