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Contact Centre Workflow Management

What is workflow management in a contact centre?

Workflow management in a contact centre environment refers to the structured design, automation, and oversight of processes and tasks related to customer interactions and service delivery. It is a systematic approach to ensuring that each customer interaction is handled efficiently and effectively, from the moment a contact is initiated until it is successfully resolved.

The key functions of contact centre workflow management:


Process Design

Contact centres design specific workflows or processes for different types of interactions, whether they are incoming calls, emails, chat sessions, or other forms of communication. Each process clearly outlines the steps and actions agents should follow to resolve issues and meet customer needs.

Process Automation

Workflow management often involves the automation of routine and repetitive tasks. For example, it can automate data entry, information retrieval, call routing, and follow-up procedures. 

Skills Based Routing

Contact centres use workflow management to determine how customer interactions are directed to the most suitable agents or teams. This may involve skills-based routing, ensuring that inquiries are assigned to agents with the appropriate expertise.

Task Prioritisation

Workflow management systems prioritise tasks based on urgency, complexity, and other factors to ensure that critical issues are addressed promptly.

Data Integration

Workflow management integrates with various data sources and CRM systems to provide agents with relevant customer information and history during interactions to help them deliver a personalised service.

Case Management

For more complex issues, workflow management may involve case management. It allows agents to handle intricate customer cases through a structured process that includes data collection, tracking and resolution steps.

Escalation and Collaboration

Workflows include guidelines for escalating issues to higher-level support or subject matter experts when necessary. They also facilitate collaboration among agents or teams when dealing with complex or cross-functional cases.

Monitoring and Reporting

Workflow management tools provide supervisors and managers with real-time monitoring and reporting capabilities. This enables them to track the progress of ongoing interactions, measure performance against KPIs, and identify areas for improvement.

Compliance and Quality Assurance

Workflow management ensures that agents adhere to regulations and internal quality standards. It may include scripts and compliance checks to maintain service consistency and legal compliance.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Workflow management systems often incorporate mechanisms for collecting agent and customer feedback. This information is used to fine-tune processes and improve the overall customer experience.

Analytics and Insights

Analytics tools are integrated into workflow management to provide insights into operational efficiency, customer behaviour, and agent performance. 

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How Opus' contact centre consultants can assist you

Opus are the leading specialist contact centre reseller in the UK. We have a dedicated consultancy team who are technology agnostic in their consultative approach to contact centre design, deployment and ongoing support. Often, a combination of two or more contact centre partners are used to deliver specific business outcomes delivering added value to our clients but also solutions fit for your organisations specific needs.

Our specialist contact centre services include but are not limited to:

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