

Capacity Planning in a Contact Centre

What is capacity planning in a contact centre?

Capacity planning within a contact centre is a strategic organisational process that plays a pivotal role in maintaining the delicate balance between resources and demand. It determines how many workforce resources an organisation needs today, tomorrow and in the future.

This multi-faceted practice extends across diverse sectors commonly encompassing call and contact centres, manufacturing, information technology, infrastructure and service industries.

Capacity planning enables leaders to find the optimal combination of employees, considering their skills, abilities, and preferences, to precisely match customer demand at all times.

Capacity planning operates at different levels

1. Job Level

Ensures that the right agents are assigned to the appropriate roles at the correct times.

2. Company Level

Guarantees that the organisation maintains an ideal balance in staffing, avoiding both under and overstaffing.

3. Strategic Level

Identifies workforce disparities between the present and the future (spanning two to five years), taking necessary actions to secure the desired quantity, quality, cost, and adaptability of personnel as the company progresses.

Key Components of Capacity Planning

Resource Assessment

At the heart of capacity planning lies the comprehensive evaluation of an organisation’s resources. This encompasses human resources, technology, physical infrastructure, and other essential assets. In the context of a call centre, it entails assessing the number of available agents, their skill sets, and the technological tools in place.

Demand Forecasting

Capacity planning hinges on accurate demand forecasting. Analysing historical data, market trends, and seasonality patterns helps organisations anticipate future service requirements. In a call centre, this translates to estimating call volumes, peak times, and the nature of incoming queries.

Identifying Bottlenecks

Effective capacity planning involves identifying potential bottlenecks or constraints within an organisation’s processes. This is crucial to understanding where the capacity falls short of meeting demand. In contact centres, bottlenecks may occur due to agent shortages during busy periods.

Resource Allocation

Once resources are evaluated and demand is forecasted, capacity planning proceeds to allocate resources optimally. This often involves aligning staffing levels, scheduling, and technology investments with projected requirements. With contact centres resource allocation may entail recruiting additional agents or implementing technology upgrades such as IVA to reduce agent workload.

Risk Management

Capacity planning is not a one-time task but an ongoing process that considers unforeseen circumstances and risks. It should encompass contingency plans to address unexpected fluctuations in demand, technological failures, or workforce disruptions.


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Opus are the leading specialist contact centre reseller in the UK. We have a dedicated consultancy team who are technology agnostic in their consultative approach to contact centre design, deployment and ongoing support. Often, a combination of two or more contact centre partners are used to deliver specific business outcomes delivering added value to our clients but also solutions fit for your organisations specific needs.

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