

Contact Centre Employee Engagement

What is employee Engagement in a contact centre?

See related page: Agent Experience

Employee engagement within a contact centre refers to the level of commitment, motivation, and emotional connection that employees have with their work, their team, and the overall goals and mission of the contact centre. It encompasses the degree to which employees are enthusiastic about their roles, feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for their performance, and are aligned with the organisation’s values and objectives. In a contact centre context, employee engagement is particularly crucial because it directly impacts the quality of customer service and the overall success of the centre.

The importance of engaged agents in a contact centre

Contact centres dedicated to enhancing employee engagement are typically higher performing than those who don’t have this focus. Engaged contact centre agents are more inclined to exert additional effort in assisting customers, recognising the pivotal role customers play in the company’s prosperity. 

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How Opus' contact centre consultants can assist you

Opus are the leading specialist contact centre reseller in the UK. We have a dedicated consultancy team who are technology agnostic in their consultative approach to contact centre design, deployment and ongoing support. Often, a combination of two or more contact centre partners are used to deliver specific business outcomes delivering added value to our clients but also solutions fit for your organisations specific needs.

Our specialist contact centre services include but are not limited to:

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