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PAC Code

What is a PAC Code?

A PAC (Porting Authorisation Code) is a unique code provided by your current mobile network operator when you want to switch your mobile number to a different network. The main purpose of a PAC code is to facilitate the smooth transfer of your existing phone number from one network to another.

How do you get a PAC Code?

Here is the process you need to follow when moving to a different mobile network.

Requesting a PAC Code

Contact your current mobile network operator and request a PAC code. They are obligated to provide you with this code promptly, usually within two hours.

Providing the PAC Code to the New Network

Once you have the PAC code, provide it to the new mobile network operator where you want to transfer your number. You can do this when signing up for a new contract or switching to a different pay-as-you-go provider.

Number Transfer

The new network will initiate the process to transfer your phone number. This transfer usually takes one working day, and you may experience a brief period without service during the switch.

Canceling the Old Contract

After the number transfer is complete, your old contract with the previous network will be automatically canceled.

PAC codes expire quickly

It’s important to note that PAC codes are only valid for a limited time (often 30 days), so you should initiate the number transfer promptly after receiving the code. 

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