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Mitel Contact Centres

What is a Mitel contact centre?

Mitel offers a wide range of contact centre and unified comms solutions such as Mitel in the Cloud, MiContact, MiVoice and MiCollab. Opus are a leading Mitel Platinum Partner in the UK.

Mitel contact centres features and functionality


Cloud-Based and on-premises Options: Mitel contact centre is available in both cloud-based and on-premises deployment models, allowing businesses to choose the one that best suits their infrastructure and operational requirements.

Multichannel Support: Mitel contact centre supports various communication channels, including voice calls, email, chat, and social media. 

Inbound and Outbound Services: It provides tools for managing both incoming customer enquiries (inbound) and proactive customer outreach (outbound), such as telemarketing or customer survey calls.

Advanced Routing: Their solution typically includes intelligent call routing and queuing to ensure that customer enquiries are directed to the most appropriate agents, improving response times and customer satisfaction.

Agent Workforce Management: Mitel contact centre often includes workforce management features that help businesses optimise agent scheduling, monitor performance, and ensure efficient use of resources.

Reporting and Analytics: It offers robust reporting and analytics tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and gather insights into contact centre operations, customer interactions, and agent productivity.

CRM Integration: Integration with customer relationship management (CRM) systems enables agents to access customer data and history, facilitating more personalised interactions.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR): Mitel’s contact centre solutions can include IVR systems to automate routine tasks and provide self-service options for customers.

Scalability: Businesses can easily scale the Mitel contact centre solution to meet their evolving needs, whether they’re a smaller call centre or a large, complex contact centre operation.

Compliance and Security: Mitel’s solutions typically adhere to industry compliance standards and offer security features to protect sensitive customer data

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How Opus' contact centre consultants can assist you

Opus are the leading specialist contact centre reseller in the UK. We have a dedicated consultancy team who are technology agnostic in their consultative approach to contact centre design, deployment and ongoing support. Often, a combination of two or more contact centre partners are used to deliver specific business outcomes delivering added value to our clients but also solutions fit for your organisations specific needs.

Our specialist contact centre services include but are not limited to:

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Industry Recognition


Best Enterprise UC Solution 2023
Enterprise Reseller Deal of the Year 2022


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